A monthly music magazine featuring news, reviews, and interviews from the Hip-Hop scene. Radio’s premier issue focuses on the lesser-known side of rap, showcasing several of the most influential producers of the past decade.

Instructor - Nathen Young
Spring 2022

I couldn't have asked for a better project to combine several of my passions. I fully immerse myself in this project by merging typography and page design with my love for music. This issue is focused on The Alchemist, a highly celebrated contemporary hip-hop producer with experimental qualities in his production that I wished to mimic in this premier issue of RADIO Magazine.

To bring my design personality to the forefront, I paired structured gridded type with loose pen illustrations, creating an exciting contrast of styles on each page. I also added flourishes like drop-caps, pull quotes, and bold headings to add typographic contrast to the body copy of the article. Referencing how producers sample music from the past, I utilized fonts like the RCA logo to emphasize that importance. Finally, spreads are made more cohesive and effortless by filling the remaining space with relevant images. I strive to create a dynamic read that does more than tell a story or interview.

Working on this project allowed me to discover my passion for typography and page design, and I'm delighted with how it turned out!


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