Rooted is a fictional wine company project in collaboration with Ecovative (a company that specializes in environmentally safe and biodegradable packaging), used to set an example of how a company could introduce mycelium packaging.
Instructor - Abby Ryan
Fall 2022
Rooted Vineyards uses mycelium instead of Styrofoam to create a 100% recyclable alternative.
As a 22-year-old, I don't know much about wine. Since I don't know any better, my primary considerations when browsing is price and label design. Wine labels range from elegant and traditional to bold and modern. I decided to design wine labels with a unique typographic approach, a mix of photography and light paper cut shape illustrations. I wanted to make a label that stands out on shelves without jeopardizing the integrity and sophisticated nature of the wine.
Working with Ecovative on this project made it feel much more exciting. Ecovative is a mycelium technology company focused on creating 100% compostable shipping and packaging alternatives to Styrofoam and plastics. While this project will not be sold in your local Wine and Spirits, it may be shown to future clients of Ecovative who are looking for similar ways to transition into sustainable shipping. I created a nature-forward vineyard that would be an obvious choice for sustainable packaging. In reality, it is time for everyone to start shipping sustainably, regardless of whether you are an environmentally focused company. I am proud of my work for this project and am happy to work on a project that aligns with my beliefs.