A VERY LARGE personal publication written, illustrated, and designed by myself, about myself. A showcase of my design style, interests (both art and non-art related), and hot takes, designed to push the limits of a functional publication while conforming to established design rules. This thesis project is a showcase and an exploration of my skills and potential across several aspects of graphic design.

Instructor - Paul Kepple
Spring 2023


For this project, I wanted to create a document that pushes the boundaries while also showcasing refined and elegant typography. Measuring 36x28 inches when opened, this unconventionally sized paper uses unique compositions built from justified type, bold headlines, photo collage, and illustration. In order to fill space and add content, this gazette focuses on personal interests, stories, interviews, and anecdotes. The ultimate goal was to create a document that blends the line between fine art and graphic design while maintaining its functionality.


The process of creating this project was long and difficult. I feel that I have learned a lot about typography, history, and the reasoning behind the newspaper aesthetic. Creating content, allowing function, balancing compositions, setting type, choosing fonts, pairing Illustrations, sizing, and printing were all challenges that I had to overcome and reevaluate continuously throughout its development. The process opened my eyes to the details of a large-scale publication and the many small moving parts that all come together to create a unique and historically important object.


It always looks good when you have something really big next to something really small. From a distance, a 9pt body copy just becomes texture. I understand the need for teamwork and collaboration on large projects. Words don’t write themselves and it was a challenge to fill 1000 sq inches of space. The power of negative space helped to fix that. Large photo collages also filled space consistently and graphicly. Lastly, print things out. Every week I would print my progress to check font size and keep my large newspaper esc document functional.


Family of Fish


Rocky's Road Trip